"I take every issue seriously with research and outreach to find the best solution and decision for the best of the city as a whole. "

We are uniquely Brunswick. A community, much like others, that faces a mix of opportunities and challenges that makes us unique. Opportunities and challenges are sometimes characterized as ‘issues’ where vastly different opinions exist. I think ‘issues’ are best addressed by discussion and planning. The City needs to be a place where ideas can turn into strategies, and strategies can become plans – plans that turn into projects to make our community a better place to be. It’s the role of the City Government to stitch ideas together in a way that forms a long term strategy for healthy progress and respects the opinions of all stakeholders. Elected City Officials should work with citizens to understand your ideas and concerns, and represent your interests as issues are discussed and ideas are considered. I have a track record of going the extra mile to learn about your thoughts and concerns – to consider your opinions – and I will continue to do just that. One thing is certain, and that is that we are a community and we are better together. When we rally behind an idea or a plan, we will succeed. Some current issues that we face as a community include:
Sidewalks – Want Brunswick to be more ‘walkable?’ Concerned about the safety of our children? Sidewalks are a great idea and will be an important improvement to our City. The State is working on continuing sidewalks along Souder Road. But what about other parts of the City?
City Water – We are fortunate in that we have a safe and steady supply of fresh water. But I often hear discussion about the high cost of water for residents. Extracting, treating, and distributing river water is among the most expensive forms of potable water treatment, but it does maintain a safe and steady supply.  With addition of more water users the shared expense of this process will help to reduce the expense for each household.  Without compromising water quality, the best and most effective approach to saving consumers money is to help you understand water reduction techniques. Many people have reduced their costs significantly with simple, low-cost water reductions. 
Revitalization – I’ve invested a lot of personal time in helping to improve the Brunswick Main Street district. We’ve made progress, and Potomac Street is coming together. Let’s continue to work together and turn ideas into strategies to make the downtown area a place to be!
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